The Money

Money will kill Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Money. Money. Money.

Give us one week of the military’s Iraq budget and this fight is over.

It’s that crass and it’s that complex.

Dollars will free the resources, open the doors, move the ball and bring down the disease. It’s true, the doctors tell us, the researchers tell us and the bean counters tell us. The cash we raise is the cash that collides head-on with this ugly disease and eases another small boy’s pain. This is the cash that allows researchers to take creative detours, explore options and collaborate more readily. This is the cash that kicks open another door to an eventual cure.

The Nash Avery Foundation will relentlessly push and prod and pound on any door to raise funds and gain attention that will aid in curing (a.k.a., killing) Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Make a donation!
